A Visual Love Letter to Santa Fe
Santa Fe holds a special place in my heart. a sentiment that predates my actual visits to the city. It began when my husband (then boyfriend), Hubert, embarked his career in Santa Fe around 2006 working at a renowned photography workshop. I was still in college, so I didn't go with him, but I remember being so fascinated by the things he shared about this special place. It wasn't until early this year that I finally visited Santa Fe. As soon as I arrived, I questioned myself why I hadn't come here earlier. I was struck by its artistry and vibrancy. There are so many art galleries and artists in the city, contributing to an astonishing art scene that contradicts its population size. Surprisingly, I learned that Santa Fe is actually the third-largest art market in the United States, trailing only behind New York and LA. It's a gem that somehow managed to remain under the radar to most people.
I decided to dedicate my first painting collection to Santa Fe, because it ignited a transformative spark in my artistic journey. Having primarily focused on digital art, I rediscovered the joy of mixing paints and engaging in the deliberate pace of "slow art." Santa Fe's vibrant art scene not only inspired me but also served as the perfect backdrop for a leap of faith in my creative endeavours. I hope my paintings carry a piece of Santa Fe's soul and inspire others as it has inspired me.
As a visual testament to my Santa Fe experience, I've curated a collection of images captured during my trip, each one serving as inspiration for my paintings:
Can you tell which painting is derived from each photo?